biometric integration with odoo

Odoo Integration with Biometric or Attendance Machine

Secured Real-time Digital Attendance Tracking System

Ask a HR personal and he/she will tell you, how annoying it is to keep track of an employee’s attendance. Would it not brown off a manager, if an employee places a leave request on urgent basis and he can make a decision as he can not be immediately provided with the employee’s leave record.

Answer to all these problems lies in Odoo integration with Biometric machine. Having integrated Biometric with Odoo Attendance, you can monitor employee’s presence/absence in office in Real-time, process employees payroll, attendance sheets. As a HR personal, has access to employees attendance in real time, he/she can notify them through SMS/Email etc.

As contrast to Normal Biometric Integration Modules which use less reliable protocols (UDP), it uses TCP, so can communicate all over the Internet without data-loss.

Through Real-Time Biometric Integration:

• For specific activities of employees, time alerts can be set-on
• Real-time Addition/Removal of Employees
• Monitor Employees Sign In/Sign Outs Just-in-Time.
• Multiple Biometric Machines using Centralised User Database with Odoo.
• Multiple Timezone Handling.
• Handle Biometric Devices from Anywhere with Internet (Using TCP)
• Real-time Sign In/Sign Out of Odoo User with Biometric Actions.



Apagen extends a flawless Cloud-based Open-source Attendance Tracking Solution! It Integrates the Biometric System with the Open-source ODOO System – HR Attendance Module.

The Biometric Machines are integrated with the cloud-based Odoo server that is already connected to the internet and tracks the Data. It Captures Real-time Data, Feeds Data and Tracks it in the system so thereby updating the system instantly.

Apagen extends two different types of Biometric attendance tracking solution to their clients

  • ESSL / ZKTeco Biometric – ODOO Server Direct Integration
  • ESSL / ZKTeco Biometric – ODOO Server Integration with Local Server as a Mediator.

Biometric Integration with Odoo Attendance is a win-win situation both for HR department and employees. As both HR personal and managers have real time access to an employee’s attendance they won’t find themselves in a tight spot to make decision when employee places a request for leave. Absenteeism can be curbed and exact cause of it can be found out much before it starts ailing an organization. Moreover, it plays pivotal role in increasing the productivity of employees at workplace.

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